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Cavernous Hemangioma of the Brain
Factors in Some One-Sided Headaches

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Ask A Healer Health Challenge Articles

Headaches a Symptom of Malformed Blood Vessels
by Ask a Healer

This is part of a series of health articles on one-sided headaches, migraines and left-sided headaches. Read more about what may cause a one-sided headache in part one of the series.

On this page, I want to talk about a serious health condition which may present with a one-sided headache as a symptom.

What is a cavernous angioma?
Cavernous Angioma is a condition affecting the brain. Angiomas result from malformed blood vessels. The blood vessels may be enlarged, may lose their original shape and may develop thin walls where blood may actually seep from the angioma into the brain area causing swelling of the brain tissue itself. Scary as that all sounds, cavernous angiomas occur frequently in children.

Symptoms of a Cavernous Angioma:
When the blood vessels bleed into the brain area and cause swelling, symptoms can include headaches on the side of the head affected by the bleeding, as well as personality changes that can be startling, weakness and neurological problems. There may also be tingling in the limbs, seizures or other uncomfortable symptoms.

A cavernous angioma can be diagnosed by having a CT scan or MRI. Medical treatments for this condition may include surgery. If the patient has only a single angioma and it's in an area of the brain that is easily accessible through surgery, this may be a treatment option to discuss with your doctor. With multiple angiomas, however, surgery is not typically suggested, due to complications this type of surgery could bring.

Other treatments for cavernous angiomas include the injection of a medicine called a sclerosant directly into the angioma, a procedure called Sclerotherapy.

The aim with sclerotherapy is to cause shrinkage of the angioma, along with clotting the blood. Sclerotherapy is not without significant risks so weight risks against benefits with your doctor if the use of a sclerosant.

Holistically, the approach would include nutritional supplements to strengthen thin blood vessel walls.

Lecithin, Krill oil and an L-Arginine liquid supplements may be helpful in this regard.

ELF Waves May Be Affecting You

Health Disclaimer: Feeling or hearing annoying or painful vibratory tones may also be a symptom of a medical condition involving the neuological functioning of the brain. Check with your doctor. Be wise with your health.