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Cosmic Ordering for Abundant Manifestation
How to Let the Universe Know What You Want

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The Secret of Cosmic Ordering

review by Ask a Healer

Introducing a program to help you engage universal lifesource energy, to create the life you desire. It's all about knowing how to clearly place universal intent and this is what the Cosmic Ordering process is designed to help you do.

The Secret and that movie, What the Bleep Do We Know, opened a lot of eyes a few years back. At the same time, they also spawned a lot of questions about how to create the life we really want and how to send out the right signal to the universe to get back what we intend. If we truly can co-create our reality with the universe and the universe is just waiting for us to play the game of co-creation on a grander scale, the question then becomes ... how do we do that?

There are many resources to consider, in learning to co-create with the universe the life you've dreamed. Cosmic Ordering is the powerful method of tuning into the Universe to turn dreams into reality. After introducing this powerful and effective method for manifesting your desires, Barbel now takes you further with Cosmic Ordering: The Next Step. With new and exciting ways to make Cosmic Ordering work for you, including the Hawaiian technique of Ho'oponopono, Barbel takes you further than you have ever been, and shows that the only thing that stops you from achieving anything you desire is your own imagination.

For me, the main benefit of any tool like Cosmic Ordering is that it stretches a person beyond their comfort zone and typical view of reality. Whenever I have been able to reach beyond what I thought was possible, into a new mindset, then new potentials open up and I am expanded in my experience in some way that I can recognize. Any tool that helps me do this is valuable; the tool has done it's job.

if you feel like you might be ready for a consciousness expanding tool to assist you in co-creative play at a cosmic level, why not go over and check out Cosmic Ordering. It might be the tool that's right for you at this time on your path.

Some ways people utilize cosmic ordering in everyday life:
* To play with linear time limitations and get more done in less time

* As your own personal parking attendant! I have a friend who does this about 95% of the time, at least the times I've been with her and she was driving. The parking spot right in front seems to either already be open or just opening up when she drives in. If just this benefit results from using the cosmic ordering program, it would be worth the price.

* To help you align with and discover your perfect partner in life. I'm not seeking a partner and haven't for quite some time but if you are, the next result might be appetizing to you. Some use the Cosmic Ordering principles to hone and clarify what they want in a life partner.

* To shift thinking from negative thoughts to more positive thoughts.

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