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Diabetes-Related Health Complications
Focus on Diabetic Ketoacidosis

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Ask A Healer Series on Diabetes

What is Diabetic Ketoacidosis?

by Ask a Healer

Natural Diabetes Remedies

Fasting for Diabetic Christians

Fasting for Diabetic Muslims

Fasting for Diabetic Native Americans

Diet Tips for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

This is part two of a five-part article on diabetes and fasting. In part one, the question was is it safe for a diabetic to fast?. Please read part one for a better understanding of this and other parts of the health series on diabetic fasting risks.

What Causes Ketoacidosis?
Diabetic Ketoacidosis ( common mispellings include ketoacidoses, ketoasidosis ketoacidoses ) is an all too common, though complex, complication. In simple terms, diabetetic ketoacidosis is the result of insulin deficiency. This complication can sometimes be triggered if a diabetic gets an infection or some kind of illness that stresses the system.

Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis include:

* Dehydration and Thirst
* High blood sugar levels
* Rapid Heartbeat
* Frequent urination
* Blood sugar chemistry alterations
* A build up of ketones and acids.
* Sweet Breath - In addition to the common symptoms above, there is one symptom that stands out as odd or unique. If you notice that your breath or urine smells sweet, kinda like some kind of fruit, this is a symptom you should not ignore.

If you have several of these symptoms or you feel dizzy, weak or have blurred vision, you should check with your doctor about lab testing to rule out ketoacidosis. If you have developed diabetic ketoacidosis, your doctor may or may not be able to tell you what caused it but some of the reasons a diabetic will develop this diabetes related complication include missing their required dosage of insulin, having a stroke or heart attack, infection, and stress. In any case, it is a serious medical situation that requires immediate attention. Your doctor may put you in the hospital to be sure you are properly hydrated and that your electrolytes are put back in balance.

The American Diabetes Association has more information diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA as well as some good info on ketones and the importance of monitoring ketone levels if sick or stressed, or if experiencing unusual symptoms.

Health Care Disclaimer: Diabetic Ketoacidosis, or any other diabetes-related complications, increases the risks that may be associated with fasting. If you are wanting to fast, be certain to discuss your particular risks with your doctor. This condition is shortened to DKA and also commonly mispelled as ketoacidoses, ketoasidosis ketoacidoses. If you came here looking for any of those terms, this is the correct page.