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Organic Essential Oils and Supplements
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Organic Essential Oils, Herbals and Aromatherapy Supplies

review by Ask a Healer

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Looking for Organic Essential Oils?
One source for organic aromatherapy oils is Bliss Oils. They offer a starter pack of organic essential oils that would be a good choice for trying their product line.

I've used aromatherapy personally for many years now. The very first time I smelled organic essential oils, I was hooked. I didn't even know then that essential oils could cross the blood/brain barrier. All I knew was that I felt the effects almost instantly.

I can't remember which oil I smelled ... maybe rosemary. If you ever need an instant pick-me-up to your mental processes, take a whiff of rosemary essential oil. Wow. I read about a study they did which showed sniffing rosemary before an exam helped students score higher on the test. Rosemary essential oil has also proven helpful to those who are attempting to kick drug addiction. However, rosemary is not suggested as replacement for counseling or drug addiction therapy you may also need.

Some of my personal favorites:
I'm never without pure teatree oil (melaleuca). I use tea tree oil on cuts, bites, rashes, fever blisters, etc. I also keep tea tree oil in my purse. If I'm ever in a situation where germ count tends to be higher than normal (like visiting a friend in the hospital or nursing home), I will apply tea tree oil all around the outside area of my ears and down the side of my neck and also put some on my hand prior to touching door knobs, etc. Yes, it does have a distinct odor but that dissipates after a time. I'd rather smell like teatree oil than get sick.

Another personal favorite is pure peppermint essential oil. Because I buy 100% food grade pure, I can add a drop to hot water and have wonderful peppermint tea, which is soothing and helps with my digestion. I love the smell and use it diffused as an air freshener.

100% pure oregano oil is a must have in my natural first aid kit. Diluted in carrier oil (always use dilluted as it will burn used neat) I apply oregano oil on neck lymph nodes and throat whenever I feel a cold or flu or sore throat coming on. Works like a charm.

Earaches/Flu Protection
I like to blend a little organic extra-virgin olive oil with a few drops of lavendar, teatree oil and garlic oil. If you get the mixture right, you can't smell the garlic. Not only will this help with ear infections but dabbing it around the inner ear with a q-tip before going into a hospital or school or crowded public place can add protection against the flu bug. A lot of airborne viruses enter through the open ear.

I love applying essential oils topically as well as adding to my bath and using around the house for their antibiotic, antibacterial and antiviral properties. However, I learned that purity is a BIG factor in how well a medicinal application of essential oils will work so I avoid EO's with additives when using for medicinal properties. Pure, organic essential oils rather than oil blends are most definitely better when it comes to aromatherapy supplies. I highly recommend using only pure, organic essential oils. A few EO's I always have in my natural first aid kit are tea tree oil, oregano and peppermint. I find so many uses for these three that I'm just never without them.

Oily Java - so much better than it sounds!
Bulletproof Coffee Organic coconut oil or organic ghee and coffee go together like kids and summer. I love my bulletproof coffee every morning. To make it extra bulletproof, I add fabulously pure goat whey protein and I'm good to go. Love that I have sustained energy for hours with none of the usual coffee jitters.

Organic coconut - Coconut oil, if organic and extra virgin and cold pressed and unrefined, is full of the good kinds of fat your body needs. Medium chain triglycerides have made the news a lot in the past few years, resulting in a lot of people rethinking the "no fat" diet and instead, deciding to shift to healthier forms of fat like grassfed butter and ghee or coconut oil.

Health Disclaimer: If you are allergic to any particular herb, you may wish to patch test any essential oil extracted from that herb. Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils are not presented as substitute for medical attention. The use of essential oils is not presented as replacement for any needed medical testing, evaluation or treatment. That being said, they do cross the blood/brain barrier so their inherent healing properties are received by the body quicker than almost any other medium of delivery.

Many essential oils have soothing and calming properties and may be helpful for muscle pain, stiffness and other pain issues. A lot of EO's additionally have natural antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal properties. There is amply information online about the various healing properties of essential oils and some research will be very beneficial, in determining the right oils to use.