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What is S.M.A.R.T. Nutrition?
Human Genetic Genome Enhancement

open letter to monsanto, dupont, sygenta > Schwab heavy metals detoxing > anxiety reduction > relationship bonding

Ask A Healer Nutrition Series

Important Updtate: The only company I know of that was implementing SMART nutrition was Maxam Labs. Unfortunately, the FDA has targeted this holistic health supplements company so I'm not at all sure if their products are available or will be available in the future. If you are tired of the FDA shutting down companies that have products you like, let folks know about it here and when nutritional supplement bills or laws are being passed that limit our access to our own chosen health care approach, use your voice for freedom.

Superior nutritional supplementation:
* Peptide fractions
* Cell-signaling fractions
* Epi-genetic transcription factors plus additional potent ingredients, all developed to up-regulate and enhance human genetic genome disposition in an ever changing toxic environment.

review by Ask a Healer, Information from Maxam Labs

Suggested Reading:
detox heavy metals

When I first tried the heavy metals detox formula called PCA-rx, I had a feeling I had found something quite different, and very beneficial. I did not then know about the S.M.A.R.T. process used to create PCA-rx and the other formulas in the rx line. At first, I found the information a bit too scientific to really understand. It took a few conversations with representatives of the company to start to get the impact of this new technology.

What's in a genome? As I understand it, a human genome contains everything about the history of that human - the DNA and RNA information which would include any viruses or other pathogens introduced into the system. It's like the Akashic Record of the body. Anything that can impact the human genome in a positive way, I would assume, could impact every aspect of a person's state of health.

What is Smart Nutrition?
S.M.A.R.T. stands for Systemic Micro-Activated Response Technology. A S.M.A.R.T. formula is a living organism your body will respond to as a completely natural substance in the body, and it will absorb the ionic-charged ingredients fully by electrokinesis. Supplements formulated upon S.M.A.R.T. principles will meet the following requirements for optimal update and utilization of ingredients by your body:

1. Enhanced absorption of beneficial ingredients.
2. Efficient adminstration thru oral spray to facilitate most rapid uptake.
3. Ingredients used are in natural form the body recognizes, carrying the proper ionic charge.
4. Manufacturing practices focus on keeping all beneficial enzymes in tact for optimal potency.

Important note: To achieve total absorption of the ingredients in a S.M.A.R.T. supplement, please do not eat or drink anything for 30 minutes before and after taking.

Detoxing and Cleansing Health Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These health formulas is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.