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The Message is Wind

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The New Way to Abundancey

The Message of the WIND Card

by Ask a Healer

Transformative Change is coming your way - The power of wind.

You drew the card WIND from the free card readings page or you have been led to this page by a search on pertinent keywords. Either way, perhaps the message of the VOICE card will be helpful.

I'm reminded of an old episode of Miami Vice....remember that show? It was the first time I'd ever really felt that music created a mood so strongly with the visual that was also being seen that I would never forget it.

Don Johnson is standing in a pink jacket and white pants (only he could pull that look off), leaning against his sports car on a rain-soaked street. The asphalt is glistening and you can almost feel the chill in the air.

Phil Collins is singing.... I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord.... If you saw that episode too, I know you remember that.

The card you chose this day is bringing a message that change, significant change, is imminent.

Usually, you know the change is coming, just like Don knew something big was about to go down that fateful night. In fact, you have probably been worry-worming about it, you know, wiggling it around in your head til you want to scream.

This card is a direct message that it's time to take action. You have to change in some significant way and you have to do it now, to stay online with your dreams and life path.

Most likely, you are being asked to let go of a habitual way of dealing with certain situations. Some method of handling life is no longer working. It could be that a job change is afoot, or a relationship shift.

Examine what you are most worried about and be honest about how effective you have been in handling that concern. Then, get the help you need to shift out of indecision and worry and effect the change that must occur. Find a counselor, have a Reiki session, have an intuitive reading, get a life coach.

One exception to those suggestions would be if you habitually look outside yourself for anwers. You know if that's true. If it is, then the guidance is to let go of your security net, whoever it is that you keep asking to tell you what you should do, and go within. Do a retreat, set up an altar, write out your goals, do ceremony around them.

And finally, if you are striking out at others (another level of this message), it is important to look at past issues that may be inflaming the present. Are you really made at that person, or does it remind you of an earlier trauma, resentment or conflict?

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Important Disclaimer: The use of cards for spiritual purposes is controversial and not everyone feels they should be used or trusted. I am not one of those people. I believe, if you are sincere in your desire to know the truth about something that is troubling you, the use of cards with good messages may be effective. For me, it's no different than praying. If it offends you or does not agree with you, please feel free to move on. All decks are not for all people. These may or may not speak to you.