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How to Get A Psychic Reading
How to Prepare Before Seeking Guidance

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Ask A Healer Psychic Gifts Series

Earmarks of a Genuine Psychic - Series on Spotting Psychic Frauds and Getting a Good Psychic Reading

by Ask a Healer

This is part six of a metaphysical series on psychic readings and psychics. Topics covered in this series include how to spot a psychic fraud, how to get a good psychic reading and the earmarks of a genuine psychic. If reaching this section directly, you may want to start at the beginning with about psychics, part one

If you have decided to seek spiritual guidance from an intuitive or psychic, one of the most important factors in preparing is to be brutally honest with yourself about what you are willing to learn. Going in to see a psychic in hopes that they will tell you what you want to hear sets you up to draw a reader who will do exactly that. Be willing to know what Spirit wants you to know.

Related Selfgrowth Resource: Do you feel you have psychic gifts? Read about help for developing your innate psychic abilities.

How to Get a Good Psychic Reading - Preparing for a Reading

Step One: Get Real with Yourself

The single-most important factor in getting a good psychic reading is to ask yourself what you are willing to receive. If you cannot open to guidance you may need, you will not be drawn to a psychic who can help bring that guidance forth.

If you choose not to know the truth about a situation, or you decide you already know the truth and are just looking for someone to affirm it, you may choose a psychic who will pick that up from your body movements, breath, non-verbal expressions, etc. and give you what you are willing to receive and/or what you need most to hear.

In the same way, if you come to the reading grasping a fear about something, you may draw a reading that supports that fear. On the other hand, if you choose to set your spiritual intent to be open to the highest level of truth that your soul can accept at this point in time, and you agree to surrender your list of urgent questions, you will draw to you a psychic reader who will help you fulfill that Sacred Intent. If you prepare yourself beforehand, by lifting up your fears to Spirit, and releasing thoughts about fearful potentials, you may choose a psychic reader who will tell you the true potential in that fearful situation.

In addition to the vital spiritual self-preparation that precedes a successful reading, you may also want to educate yourself on the earmarks of a high-level psychic and apply these principals when interviewing a psychic to be a spiritual advisor in your life:

Earmark 1: psychic speaks more than asking

Earmark 2: psychic shares info you didn't know

Earmark 3: psychic looks inward more than outward

Earmark 4: spiritual surrender is apparent

Psychic Guidance Disclaimer: Just because a psychic looks at you a lot during a reading, that doesn't mean they are not real, in spiritual alignment and able to provide useful information. I am only pointing out that a person doing readings for money and entertainment value will look at you a lot more than a person who is in it for spiritual reasons, because they will need to more carefully gauge your reaction and also to be able to pick up body language and facial cues.