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How to Minimize Herpes Outbreaks
Natural Approach to Pain Relief and Healing

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Minimize Herpes Outbreaks - Pain Relief Tips

by Ask a Healer

The Hidden Dangers of Herpes Simplex Virus
Learn how to relieve the pain of herpes outbreaks> and how to help your body resist outbreak triggers

by Ask a Healer Admin J. Howell unless otherwise noted

Herpes is not just an std
types of herpes

Please read this: The views expressed here are my own, based on research as a holistic health wellness counselor, and not intended to replace needed medical attention or evaluation for herpes simplex virus infections. That's true of every article I present but, with this one, due to the seriousness of the complications, I thought it best to impress it on my readers once more. I am not a doctor. I do not diagnose or prescribe. I provide information and, in some cases, offer ideas and avenues of exploration for healing. Do your homework and design the health care regimen most in alignment with your needs.

The virus that causes genital herpes is said to infect one in four sexually active adults. The strain of herpes that causes oral herpes, such as fever blisters, affects more than that. If you add shingles into the herpes mix, almost everyone is at risk or already infected. If that doesn?t qualify as a pandemic, I don?t know what does.

Herpes affects more than your lovelife:
Maybe the reason the systemic and pervasive aspect of herpes infections hasn?t been more in the news is because herpes is still considered primarily a recurring, non-curable genital std, with the focus on what that does to your lovelife. The Valtrex drug folks have certainly saturated the tv with that information a few years back, in cleverly designed ads that drive home the point that if you have herpes, you better have Valtrex. I haven't seen these recently...

The ads feature an attractive, healthy-looking couple. At the beginning of the commercial, one or the other of these good-looking folks says "I have genital herpes" while the other, smiling, says "and I don't".

Then there? is a doctor-looking actor who reports that you can spread herpes at any time, not just when you have signs of an outbreak and that there is only one approved medication for treatment of genital herpes and it is Valtrex.

The commercial ends with the same couple, still smiling. One says "I still have genital herpes", driving home again the point that it never goes away and you are never, ever safe from transmitting it. Then, the other half of the glowing couple reports "and I still don't". It is implied that this difference is in great part due to the one with herpes taking Valtrex, right?

Even though the doctor just said nothing can keep you from spreading herpes at any time…. It's important to hear what they are really saying. It isn?t that Valtrex keeps you from spreading herpes; it is only being said that Valtrex can help reduce outbreaks.

To me, the focus on the std aspect of herpes is WAY missing the boat, anyway. What you don?t see yet, and what I feel has to be coming, are commericals talking about the far more serious implications, systemically, when you have genital herpes. From what I?ve read, the danger goes far beyond the possibility that you may have a more complicated love life with herpes.

Continue reading about the hidden dangers of herpes:

Part Two:
Herpes of the Brain
Part Three:
Cardiovascular / Meningitis Link Part Four:
Arginine and Herpes

If you have just recently been diagnosed with herpes, know that you have a great deal of help available now that you would not have had years ago so take hope in that truth! Ask a Healer Wellness Library is a great place to educate yourself but the approach here is decidedly holistic and natural. Be sure you check each page and discern which treatment is right for you because not every treatment is right for every person. Your body knows what it needs. Consider this one place to begin gathering information.

Antiviral blend for herpes ===>>> FDA-approved drugs vs. natural antivirals ===> Cold Sore Relief

Health Disclaimer: The articles on herpes and treatment options for HSV on this website are all educational in nature and intended to replace any needed medical testing, evaluation or treatment. Hopefully, you will choose a doctor who is open to the idea of further supporting the body with natural antivirals and not just suppressing symptoms with Valtrex.