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Extremely Low Frequency Waves
Factor in Painful Headaches

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GWEN Towers, ELFs and Government, Oh My - Do you hear ELF Waves?

by Ask a Healer

Migraine Headache Symptoms

Painless Migraines Relief

Extreme Low Frequency Waves and Left-Sided Headaches:
This is part three of an article on healing and left-sided headaches. In part one, I address the spiritual aspects of a disturbing healing experience. In part two, I cover some of the more common causes of left-sided headaches. This is a continuation of that list. On this page I want to talk about ELF Waves, or extremely low frequency waves, and how they may be impacting your sleep and your head.

What are ELF Waves?
Despite the Disneyesque feel, ELF Waves are anything but harmless for those who hear them and are affected by them. In areas closest to these towers, alarming increases in certain kinds of cancers are being reported, for example, and those affect folks who can't hear them at all and have no idea they exist. ELF Waves (extreme low frequency waves from GWEN Towers) are emitted from a network of towers, strung end to end across the United States, at intervals of about 250 miles. Gwen Towers are used by the military and will soon cover the globe. In other words, there won't be anywhere to go to escape the vibrational presences of extreme low frequency waves.

In addition to other health conditions that have been documented, that are impacted by ELF waves from Gwen Towers, I believe they may well be a factor in left-sided headaches too. The ELF waves are pretty constant and large in northeast Alabama, where I was living when I wrote this article, and I have a left-sided headache a lot from them. How do I know my headaches are associated with extreme low frequency waves? Because when I hear the waves, I have the headache. When storms knock them out or the military stops them for some reason, I don't.

I keep working with this, for me, vital issue and looking for the solution. ELF generators are one possibility I'm looking into. I have orgonite generators and though they help with other types of electromagnetic frequencies and geopathic stress, they've done little to stop the ELF wave interference. Others around me don't hear or feel the ELF waves at all or, if they do, for them it is a minimal interference.

I feel them quite acutely and pretty much constantly, particularly on the left side of my head and particularly at night when lying prone. Your left-sided pain may be an indication of sensitivity allowing you to feel more frequencies around you than the average person. It's a blessing that may feel like a curse at times, given the amount of unhealthy frequencies in our atmosphere.

Organic Migraine Relief

Health Disclaimer: Feeling or hearing annoying or painful vibratory tones may also be a symptom of a medical condition involving the neurological functioning of the brain. Rule out medical conditions including brain tumors, menningitis, and other medical conditions. This information is not intended to replace any needed medical testing, evaluation or treatment you may need. Check with your doctor. Be wise with your health.