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A Sure Sign Our "Work" is Done Update: 2019: I always watch the weekly posts of Richard Bartlett on facebook because they help to remind me of Matrix Energetics and all the blessings I received at workshops. I often receive a "two-point" activation as well so that's a bonus! That's about the biggest endorsement that I can offer: I still visit his posts after all this time.

Update, 2018: Still chopping wood and carrying water here, after the sure sign that our "work" is done that I received when I wrote this original post. It's been an interesting period of "unlearning" for me. I've been often frustrated, often feeling lost but always remembering that what I sensed back then is still true for me. Try as I might, I can never go back to the paradigm I lived in before I went to the Omega Institute and experienced Matrix Energetics.

The intensive introduced me to a perspective that has continued to shape my world. There is no going back. However, that doesn't mean the way forward was, or is, clear. I've experienced this limbo state many times in my awakening process. When a paradigm drops away, I tend to have an amount of linear time in my life when I wander in the wilderness of unknowing. The bigger the paradigm shift, the longer the wandering.

It seems impossible that it has been 10 years since my introduction to Matrix Energetics! After that, an equally explosive exploration began with a modality called Human Design and I was introduced to gazing with Braco. Between these three events, My inner life has shifted so much that I have little relationship with 3D reality, and sometimes that's a massive challenge.

I continue to walk between worlds in new ways, at the same time that I seem to circle back into 3D density with so much force that I literally lay down and just stop participating in outer world activity at all for periods of time, not that time has meaning anymore.

I know it's hard to read mood in the written word and those paragraphs certainly could mean a person isn't having much fun living. I'd say that's true. Parallel to those times of what I can only call suffering, I consistently see the truth of me. It is a schizophrenic existence I must endure because to lose site of the Truth would mean this human experience would serve no further purpose for me. No one said it would be easy to decondition from decades of imposed reality.

Original Post, 2008: ps. I haven't posted for a few weeks because I traveled to Rhinebeck, NY for a Matrix Energetics experience. This post is about that journey.

I feel as if I've found the missing piece of my Spiritual Path. I started out as an intuitive reader and then became a "healer". That structure served for quite some time, about a space of 7 years. Then, I began to feel quite constrained by it, in a way I could not articulate. It just all seemed like too much work. Yes, I saw people shift in quantum ways and heal their lives on many levels all seemed like too much work.

I changed what I called myself from "healer" to healing facilitator, which felt more in alignment with the Truth. Still, so much work. Then, a friend mentioned Matrix Energetics. I watched the video on youtube and instantly understood that what I was seeing was the same thing I had glimpsed over the years in my own "work" as a healing facilitator.

There had been times, magical times, when I witnessed a person's entire cellular field reconfigure. I knew, for those people, life would never be quite the same. I knew that something Sacred had intervened and that something profound had happened for those people. I also knew that I had helped. I had facilitated somehow but did not know exactly how my support had assisted.

Spiritual Disclaimer:
Nothing on the Ask a Healer website is intended to replace a person's own intuitive guidance. No one teacher is right for everyone, at least not in my experience. Use your own spiritual sensing to discern if Richard Bartlett and his work is in alignment for you right now.